Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Between the Promise and the Promotion

We've all been there.

We've heard the voice of God, maybe in our quiet place, maybe through a friend or a song, but we know when it happens. Something inside clicks, and we know, unmistakably, that we have heard His voice, and we hold on to the promise He gave at that moment.

Then reality sets in. Life happens. And we begin to wonder if we really did hear Him speak. We wonder, "Maybe it was just my imagination. After all, I don't see anything happening. If God really spoke to me, wouldn't things be better by now?"

Well, what about the children of Israel in the wilderness? Or Jesus Himself? Jesus heard the voice of God - it was a spectacular event. The Spirit of God descended on Him, and a thunderous voice from Heaven confirmed that He was the Son of God, and that God was pleased with Him! Wow, what an event!

Then immediately Jesus was sent where? Into the wilderness, where the enemy taunted Him with, "IF you are the Son of God ... IF you are ..." All Jesus had to go on was the last words of His Father, "This IS my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." But Jesus endured the wilderness, kept His faith, and won His battle. Only then, did He begin His ministry.

We see this pattern in the lives of Joseph, King David, all the great patriarchs. Why should we be any different?

Is it possible, that the reason we don't see the promotion, is because we give up on the promise?

If you've given up, it's not too late to renew your faith. Remember those children of Israel? What happened when they gave up? They just went around the mountain ... again. But the promise was still there, in hibernation. Eventually, they made it to the promised land.

Will you?

Don't give up!



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