Saturday, December 10, 2016

What's Your Confirmation Number?

The story goes, that a young man, setting out on his first trip alone, arrived at the hotel where he had reserved a room. The clerk had no record of his reservation. "What's your confirmation number," she asked. The young man had no clue what it was. So he had to pay for the room. Again.

From that point forward, when he made a reservation, guess what? Right! He had his confirmation number! And as luck would have it, one day he again found himself standing across from the hotel clerk, who had no record of his reservation. This time, however, he had the confirmation number. He quickly began to tell the clerk how it was going to be, because he had proof that his room was paid in advance. He said, "I don't care what you have to do, you'll get me a room!" And he got his room.

How often do we pay again for something that's already been paid?

We worry, when Jesus said, "Peace I give to you," (John 14:27).

We try to earn healing, but Jesus paid that bill 2000 years ago (1 Pet. 2:24).

Or the biggest one of all, we try to earn salvation by our works (Eph. 2:8-10). This is my personal favorite, and it is my all-time #1 confirmation number!

So how do we use our confirmation number?

Again, let's compare it to the natural. When the young man was faced with a situation that challenged whether his bill was paid, he became more forceful. He didn't give in and say, "Well, I guess this is just the way it's got to be. I don't know why." NO. He used his confirmation number to demand what was rightfully his.

Warning: you may not want to do this with a ton of people around, or run the risk of getting some pretty questioning looks, but ...

When we have any circumstance or situation that challenges what God has already confirmed is rightfully ours, maybe we should, #1 Know the Word, and #2 Use the Word. Say it out loud. Forcefully. As many times as it takes to see results.

I have a prayer book called Scripture Keys for Kingdom Living - it's a good reference for many different things that can challenge us. There are other books that have scriptures for various maladies and challenges. Or we can always dig out the nuggets of the Word on our own.

My point is this. God has given us His Word, full of confirmation numbers, for every situation.

Why not use it?!



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