Friday, December 9, 2016

Never Too Late

Warning: The contents of this post are painfully self-disclosing!

This morning, as most days, I wrote out my goals for the day:

1. Hydrate (5+ bottles of water) & limit sweets (1).
2. Remain calm/no negative language.
3. Encourage Mark.

Well, I wrote a little note of encouragement & put it in the jar. #3 done!

Then I went to work. Goal #2 down the drain.

Which was shortly followed by Goal #1 (second half).

Later on this afternoon, I realized that, even though it wasn't on this list, my daily habit-in-the-making of writing an original work was also as yet unfulfilled.

So here I am, at the least productive time of my day (I'm a severe morning person), writing a blog post.


Because it's never too late.

It's never too late to start over. It's never too late to keep a promise. It's never too late to decide to follow Christ. It's never to late to develop a plan for that business idea you've carried in your mind for years.

I watched a precious young lady earlier this evening as she was baptized again, after following a destructive path that all but destroyed her. But she is beginning again, making a fresh start. And I'm so proud for her! And if she falls again, all she has to do is to get back up again.

I've heard that all we must do in order to be successful at a thing is to get back up one more time than we fall. Sounds really simple, too simple, doesn't it? Maybe so, but I'm willing to try.

How about you?

Are you willing to get up again?



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