Thursday, December 8, 2016

Many Called, Few Chosen

Many are called, but few are chosen (Matt 22:14).
This is a fairly well-known verse of scripture. Have you ever stopped to think about its meaning?

Jesus had "large crowds (Matt 4:25) following," He had about 70 that were sent on a special mission (Luke 10:1); and we all know about the 12 disciples, and the three who were in His inner circle.

What was the deciding factor - how did the three get to the honor of being "chosen" for His closest group of companions?

Let's forget, for a  moment, that Jesus was God wrapped in flesh, and knew the end of all things from the beginning. Jesus WAS and IS God made flesh, but He was also very much man. He chose to be one of us, to live as we live, suffer as we suffer, and be limited by the bonds of flesh as we are. He had aches and pains. (Some of my friends laugh at me because in my mind, Baby Jesus was not the glowing, non-crying, pristine baby in a nice clean manger; He was a human baby, whose home and bed were among the animals.)

Anyway, maybe Jesus "called" a bunch of people. Maybe that was the first prerequisite: be willing to follow. Then after that, some of them grew tired of following, some had no depth of commitment, others probably had to leave and go take care of family business. (Sounds a little bit like the parable of the seed on the pathway, among thorns, and so on, doesn't it?)

The point is this. Many WERE called.

They had some "proving" to do, before they were "chosen."

Just my thoughts. I'd love to hear yours.



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