Sunday, June 16, 2013

My Journey

Some of you know that I’m studying to be a counselor.  I’ve even had a few off-hand comments thrown my way about this.  Some say that I’ve changed – I hope I have!  Those who always stay the same are not growing.  My studies, I’m sure, have some to do with the changes in me, but so do some other things.  I’d like to share those with you.

The past two years of my life have been an amazing journey.  They have been both joyful and painful.  At the beginning of 2011, I hated my marriage, my life – I hated myself.  I knew Jesus, or at least knew OF Him.  I believed, but like the father in Mark 9:24, my cry was, “Yes, I believe, but help my unbelief!”

That April, I attended Gateway Church’s Pink Impact women’s conference.  At the conference, I received healing from some very deep scars that I had carried since childhood.  I remember walking away from my simple 15-minute session literally feeling lighter than ever before – a weight was gone; I was free!

The summer of that same year, Mark and I entered into covenant with Dr. Ray Vinson of Dominion International, so we could get moving in our “ministry” plans.  But God had more in mind that WHAT WE WERE TO DO; He had in mind WHO WE WERE TO BE.  Dr. Ray and his wife Mary have provided Godly counsel, support, training, teaching, mentoring, and at times just plain hard-hitting rebuke.  God has used them to not only help me remain free, but to walk in progressively new levels of freedom.

I’m not fixed.  I’m still a broken person in desperate need of a Savior.  But I am a good listener, and I know the One who heals completely.  So if we meet in a hallway or on the phone, and you begin to wonder if I’m practicing on you … no, I’m not.  I simply want to share my light with you.




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