Sunday, June 2, 2013

Gas & Shoes

Sometimes God blesses in totally unexpected ways, I think, just to show us that He will not be in a box.

Take the Israelites’ clothes and shoes, for example.  Moses records in Deuteronomy 8 that their clothes didn’t wear out, and their feet didn’t swell.  They wore the same outfits for 40 years, going around that mountain again, and again, and again.  Have you ever wondered about the children?  Did the shoes and clothes literally grow with them?  Apparently they did.

Fast forward.  Jesus is teaching His famous “Sermon on the Mount.”  He says, “Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat,’ or ‘What will we drink,’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’”  He says that our Heavenly Father knows we need all these things, and to “seek first” His kingdom & His righteousness, and He will provide all these things (Matthew 6:31-33).

Fast forward again.  Mark & I travel to a conference in Abilene.  The timing, it seems, is not the best, as we’re neck-deep in projects around our house, and we’ve just signed a note on some farm equipment.  We’re pondering whether to stop tithing for a time, in order to put the money into our projects, which actually have a long-range kingdom-of-God purpose.  Seems legitimate.  Over the course of the weekend, though, we renew our commitment to tithe, plus we give into a special offering to support orphans.  On the way home, we check fuel mileage in our 1998 Buick LeSabre, aka the “Land Yacht.”  31.44 mpg!  I double-check and triple-check.  Yes, it’s 31.44!  This is a totally unexpected source of blessing.  I imagine God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit sitting around drinking their heavenly coffee, discussing us.  Maybe it’s Jesus who says, “Here’s an idea – wouldn’t this be wild – let’s put a little supernatural charge into their gas tank!  Let’s blow their minds!”  I don’t know how it all played out, but the result is awesome!

So, don’t worry about the details.  Do the right thing, and let God put the blessing on your fuel, or on your shoes, or on whatever He chooses.  Be at peace and enjoy the journey.



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