Saturday, June 22, 2013

Crack Rolls

Back in 2008, our youngest son, Dustin, went to intern at Teen Mania’s Honor Academy campus just outside of Lindale, Texas.  This was a good hour’s drive for us – too far to just stop by and visit, but close enough for weekend visits.  And visit we did!

A normal Sunday would consist of getting up super early, setting out yeast rolls (AKA “crack rolls” because they’re as addictive as crack) for lunch, getting dressed, driving to Garden Valley, picking up Dustin and as many of his friends as we could legally fit in our Buick “land yacht,” driving directly to our church, rehearsing for praise and worship, having church, going to the house for lunch and chilling … then loading them all back in the land yacht, and re-delivering them to the campus.

We did this routine for most of the 2008-2009 school year.  It was fun, it was challenging, it was rewarding, and it was a time of God’s teaching me a very important truth.

These beautiful, hungry (in every way!), diverse, young people knew that when they visited us, they could have a retreat from the busy campus life – they could jam in the music room, fish from the stock tank, wrestle in the yard, sit around and watch a movie – no good thing was withheld from them while they were guests at our house.  They were such a blessing to us … we developed some very close relationships with these young men and women, and still keep in touch with many of them.

All because Dustin, our son, issued an invitation.

All that the Father has is yours.  He withholds no good thing from you.  Joy and peace, fellowship with other believers, times of refreshing, His Living Word, power, blessings, and best of all a relationship with the Father himself.

All because Jesus, His son, issues an invitation.

 “No one comes to the father but through me” (Jn. 14:6 NASB).




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