Friday, June 27, 2014

Will You Be His Disciples Too?

John Chapter 9 always makes me smile.

Jesus and His disciples were in Jerusalem. Jesus healed a blind man on the Sabbath Day, resulting in the outrage of the whole religious community. It was quite a scene. Everybody knew that this man was the one who used to sit and beg. They passed him regularly. Jesus must’ve known about him, too,

but He waited until the time was right to heal him. He waited until a Sabbath day. He could have either healed him the day before the Sabbath, or the day after the Sabbath. After all, the man had been blind all his life. What difference would one day make? I think Jesus did it on that particular day, to show the Pharisees for their true selves. They would have no problem pulling an ox out of a ditch, but healing a blind man? That was preposterous!

The other thing I find humorous is that the Pharisees kept on asking the man how he was able to see. He tells them and tells them again. Finally, he says, “I already told you and you wouldn’t listen. Will you be His Disciples Too?” Then after more rebuke from those crusty old religious fools, he tells them, “Wow! This is amazing! You don’t even know where He’s from, but He opened my eyes!” I don’t know about you, but I sense a bit of sarcasm in this ex-blind man.

Of course, the compassion of Jesus, the mercy, the power ... all these are definitely seen in this passage. But it still makes me smile.



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