Sunday, July 14, 2013

Retakes are Allowed

I am called, in part, to offer encouragement through my writing.  So I began blogging regularly, one post each weekend, a few weeks ago.  My last writing was two weeks ago, and it was called “Consistency.”

Last weekend I sat down and wrote, and rewrote, and tried, and retried, but the words just wouldn’t flow.  So I gave up.  After writing about consistency, I was inconsistent.  I failed the test.

Sweet friends, whether your calling is to write, to clean motel rooms, to produce movies, or to manage an office, there will be days when you just aren’t “feeling it.”  These are the days of testing.  You may question, “Am I really called to do this?”  I would say that if you’re being tested in it, that’s a good sign.  And here’s why.

Testing follows training.  You will not be tested in an area in which you aren’t trained.  Kindergarten students are not tested on Old English literature, are they?  If you are being tested, you are ready for the test.

Promotion follows testing.  When I was in a New Testament class, the tests included material from the writings of Paul, and questions about the world itself during the period of time surrounding the life of our Savior.  Finally, after passing the tests, I graduated from that class.

Blessed child of God, life is no different.  When we declare, “I am __________,” we can expect … no, we can KNOW that there will be a test to follow.  And if we fail the test, we get to take it again!  Isn’t that great?  We have another chance to prove that we can do it!

What I’ve learned about tests:

1) The test relates to the material studied.

2) The promotion relates to the test.

3) Retakes are allowed.

“Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; But to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation.” (1 Pet. 4:12,13 NASB)




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