Sunday, July 21, 2013


Earlier this week I commented that, “It’s much easier to slip into a life of mediocrity than to fight for excellence.”  Those who read this probably thought that I was talking about someone else, but I was actually looking inside.  I was deeply considering giving up on my pursuit of a better life, and letting the easier path of mediocrity take me.

It’s been a rough week, but I’m back!

Even though I may have a setback, I am not a failure.  I have, in the words of Thomas Edison when developing the light bulb, simply found another way that doesn’t work.  Take a minute to check out a few Thomas Edison QuotesThese should encourage you.
Thanks so much to Dr. Ray and Mary Vinson for their encouragement and continued support, and for never giving up on Mark and me.  And of course, I’m so grateful to the Lord Jesus Christ … He is my rock.

Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary (Gal. 6:9 NASB).



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