Sunday, April 21, 2013


“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”  A more heinous lie has never been perpetrated by the enemy of our souls.  The tongue has the power to kill (Pro. 18:21).  By our words we can kill a person’s reputation or self-image.  Words can even drive a person to end his own life.

Words have the power to give life (Pro. 18.21).  The encouragement of a sincere compliment can be the battering ram to break through walls of separation and division.  A simple honest word of concern may save the loner from a rampage of death and destruction.

“A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver” (Pro. 25:11).

Once a word leaves the mouth, it is forever loosed.

Father, thank You for Your written Word.  Thank You for the Living Word Jesus Christ.  We pray today for the grace to guard our tongues, that we may give life and not death.  Let every word that we speak bring encouragement to our brothers and sisters, and in so doing, bring glory to You.

In Jesus' name.

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