Sunday, September 2, 2012


"Make the tree good, and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad" (Matthew 12:33).

I used to wonder about this verse.  Jesus spoke these words right after he had rebuked the Pharisees for their saying that He was casting out evil spirits by evil spirits, and He had warned them about speaking against the Holy Spirit.  So He tells them to watch out that they don't blaspheme the Holy Spirit, then He goes right to this saying about trees and fruit.  He was basically telling them, "The fruit of your mouth is bad because the tree of your heart is bad.  Make it good!"

So I've been very convicted over the past couple of weeks about the kinds of trees I'm planting.  Am I planting fruit trees or thorn trees?  Am I planting good seeds?  So I've been working on bridling my tongue.  And, it seems that the more I try, the more opportunity I have to plant thorns instead of fruit.  With the same mouth I bless God and I curse others - this shouldn't be.

So what can I do?  I know what I should do, but what I do is not the same.  My emotions get involved and I speak negative things instead of positive.  So what can I do?  I will pray in the Spirit, constantly, if need be, to overcome this tongue problem that I have.

Holy Spirit, thank you for bringing correction to my life.  I need You every day, Sweet Comforter, Guide, Friend, to help me bridle my tongue and not plant thorns.  I need You to constantly remind me to plant fruit trees that will provide sustinence for me and others in the future.  Thank You, Holy Spirit, for the promise that You'll always be with me as long as You're welcome.  I love You.  I worship You.  I need You.

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