Monday, October 10, 2011


A popular highway game with some kids I know is to say, "Daaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrk" all the way through a tunnel, then as soon as you get out of the tunnel, yell, "LIGHT!"  Of course, this only works in the daytime.

Try this.  Walk into a dark room, and flip on the light switch.  Did you ever wonder where the darkness goes?  It's there, but as soon as the light is turned on, darkness is gone.

What is darkness?  It's just the absence of light.  Darkness CAN NOT exist where there is light. 

I used to worry about the dark places in my heart.  I would pray about them, quote scriptures against them, tell them to leave ... you name it, I did it.  And I know there are a lot of people who do the same thing.  But all we really have to do is get close to the Light, which is Jesus Christ.

You may ask, but what about the shadows?  I say, get as close to the Light as you can, get IN the Light, get totally consumed by the Light.  There will be no dark places, no shadows.

John 1:5 says this, "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend (apprehend, attain, overtake) it."

My prayer:  "Father, thank You for giving us the Light, Your son, Jesus.  He is so much more than enough for anything we need.  Keep me focused on the Light, not on the darkness.  Remind me, call me back to You by Your Holy Spirit when I start to look at the darkness.  Keep me, Father, in the Light!  In the name of Your precious Son, Jesus, Amen!"

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