Part 1. The Truth About Abortion
To understand, we must begin at the beginning.
Before man, there was evil, the devil. His dwelling place
was the Earth. And he had done a bang-up job, right? Earth was dark, empty,
only evil.
Then God re-created the earth and said, “Let’s make man in
our image (to look like us) and in our likeness (to be like us) (Genesis
1:26-28). So God did make man and put him in charge of the Earth, to fill it
and take care of it.
Now the Bible doesn’t say this, but I suppose that made the
devil screaming mad. Just think if you were in charge for God-knows-how-many
eons of time, then BOOM! He puts someone else in charge, you might be a little
miffed. So the devil tempts Eve and we have the fall of mankind. We know the
In ancient days the devil tried to wipe us out through human
sacrifice. But now we’re civilized.
The devil needed a new plan.
He began with tearing down the family and providing sound bites
that make us feel good. Bites like, “It’s all about me,” “Look out for #1,” “I
deserve _____________,” “If it feels good, do it,” “I’m entitled to _________”
and so many more! Man became self-centered, self-serving.
Enter the sexual revolution. After all, if it feels good, do
it! So we became a race of pleasure-seekers, no better than dogs or donkeys. We
do it with the same sex, we do it with ourselves, we do it with multiple
partners, we do it with objects. We just do it.
And sometimes we get pregnant when we do it with the opposite
sex. And since “It’s all about me,” babies are unwelcome side effect of a good
time. Barack Obama summed up the belief in a nutshell when he said on the
campaign trail in 2008, “I’ve got two daughters … if they make a mistake, I
don’t want them punished with a baby.”
The Psalmist wrote in 127:3 that children are a gift from
God. They’re not lumps of biological tissue. They’re not mistakes. They’re not
punishment. They are precious.
When our first grandchild was born, he had a
life-threatening heart defect. We cried and prayed and fought in the spirit,
while the medical team sweat and thought and fought with their machines and
technology. And he fought. He fought to breathe. He fought to live! To see him
today, you would never know the battle, were it not for the scars on his chest.
Let me emphasize, HE FOUGHT! From the moment of
conception – no, before conception – when the sperm is fighting against
thousands of other sperm, swimming upstream for a chance to infiltrate the egg,
all the way through life on this Earth, to the time when we are old and
surrounded by family, drawing our last breath, we fight to live! Man was
created to live. And speaking of the sperm, yes it’s alive! If scientists found
a sperm on Mars, or if they managed to create (which they never will) a fetus
from scratch, don’t you think we’d all be hearing about it? It would be the
story of the age and beyond! LIFE!
Finally, make no mistake. Babies feel, however old they are,
whether in the cradle or in the womb. I can’t bear to think of the torment
involved when a baby is torn limb from limb or burned alive in its mother’s
Abortion is murder. That’s the truth about abortion.
Part 2. Why Christians Must Vote
The number one issue on the ballot is life. And it is
crystal clear where each candidate in this election stands. To say it’s not so
clear, not black and white, is a lame excuse at best.
Someone told me recently that she doesn’t vote because the
Bible says, “Be not entangled in the affairs of this life…” This is referring
to Paul’s second letter to his son in the faith, Timothy. Chapter 2, Verse 4.
Young Timothy was the bishop of the church at Ephesus. The city was a major
city of that day, I suppose kind of like a modern-day Las Vegas. It was the home
of the temple of Artemis (Diana), a thriving port, a huge theatre, a massive commercial
marketplace and political meeting area, the temple of Hadrian, and many other
secular distractions. Perhaps young Timothy was having trouble staying focused.
Paul was telling Timothy to stay on task, as a soldier on assignment from his
commander. Paul was not looking 2000 years ahead, saying “Don’t vote.”
Have you ever met with a group of friends for a meal “Just
to hang out?” Or taken your kid to a soccer game? Or watched a Superbowl game
or an Olympic event on TV? Well, what spiritual significance did those activities
hold? None, right? OK, then, to use what Paul said, “be not entangled…” as an
excuse to refrain from voting is absolutely ridiculous.
Remember Genesis 1:26-28? God told Adam to subdue (KAVASH:
subdue, force, dominate, subject, keep under) and have dominion (RADAH:
rule, dominate, tread down, subjugate)! Does that sound passive in the least,
little bit?!
Still not convinced? What did Jesus say?
In His parable about the usage of money, Jesus indicated
that God was saying to His servants, “Occupy til I come.” This word occupy is
from the Greek word PRAGMATEUOMAI (progmaTEUohmy), meaning “to carry on
business, specifically the business of a banker or a trader” (Blue
Letter Bible/Strong's G4231). This word has the same root (PRAGMA) as our
word pragmatic, which means “dealing with things sensibly and
realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical
considerations (Google
But the scripture that tells me I must vote, and vote PRO
LIFE, the scripture that haunts me because I’m not doing enough with a simple
vote, is found in the book of Proverbs:
Go and rescue the perishing! Be their savior!
Why would you stand back and watch them stagger to their
And why would you say, “But it’s none of my business”?
The one who knows you completely and judges your every motive
is also the keeper of souls—and not just yours!
He sees through your excuses and holds you responsible
for failing to help those whose lives are threatened.
Proverbs 24:11,12
I want to
share one young man’s story:
“I was a young man living in
Germany during the holocaust. I considered myself a Christian. I attended a
little church with my family from the time I was a small boy. We all heard
about the atrocities that were happening not far from us in Auschwitz, but it
was too difficult to comprehend. What could we do anyway?
There was a train track behind
the church, and week after week we would hear the sound of the whistle and the
clacking of the wheels as the train passed. It never bothered us. We grew
accustomed to it. One morning we heard noise coming from the train. It was the
sound of wailing and moaning. We were shocked when we realized that there were
people in those box cars! They were being led away to death…
Week after week that train
whistle blew, and we heard the sound of those poor Jews crying out. It was so
disturbing that we devised a plan. We moved up our song service, so that when
the train passed we would be singing. We sang as loud as we could to drown out
the cries. If per chance we still heard them, we just sang a little louder…
Years have passed, and no one
talks about it much anymore, but I still hear the sound of that train whistle
in my sleep. I can still hear them crying out for help. God forgive me! God
forgive all of us who called ourselves Christians, yet did nothing to intervene…It’s
happening all over again! May God forgive America for drowning out the screams
of dying children. May God forgive the Church for allowing this holocaust to
take place in beautiful America.’”
Sing a Little Louder, Penny Lea
My final words are this.
And yes, I will say it: Vote DONALD J TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT.
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