Sunday, May 8, 2016


I can still hear her words in my mind: “I just hope I don’t do or say something (negative) to my kids that they’ll carry with them for years...”  This sweet, and very human, young mother was almost paralyzed by the fear that she would somehow screw up her kids’ lives by not being the perfect mother. 

So I quickly assured her, “Don’t worry.  You will.  We all do.”

I’m reminded of the scene in “Band of Brothers” when Lt. Speirs is talking to Pvt. Blithe about fear.  You think Speirs will give him some uplifting, encouraging words.  No.  Instead he says, “We’re all scared…You think there’s still hope…But the only hope you have is to accept the fact that you’re already dead.  And the sooner you accept that, the sooner you’ll be able to function as a soldier’s supposed to function.”  Wow.  Good job, Speirs!

My point, of course, is NOT that we’re all dead, but to accept the thing we fear.  In acceptance, the fear dissipates.  “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself” (FDR).  Let’s accept that we have all made mistakes in the past, and that we’ll do the same in the future.  (By the way, if there’s a mom … or dad … out there who’s never made a mistake, I’d LOVE to  meet you!)

My mom was (and still is) a beautiful, loving mother.  She instilled values, kept me in clean clothes, made sure I had breakfast every morning and dinner every night, took me to church, modeled faithfulness, and so much more!!  And at risk of starting an argument with other family members, I’ll say that she isn’t flawless.

Now, the fact that I admit she’s flawed, gives me permission to accept my own flaws.  I’ll be the first to confess my mistakes in raising our two sons.  I know I wasn’t perfect – far from it!  I have made plenty mistakes.

So what’s the answer?  Where’s the light in this tunnel?

And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.  (2 Cor. 12:9)

Wow!  Grace!

One of the best conversations I’ve had lately, and a testimony to God’s grace, was when I answered a call from our youngest son a few weeks ago.  We chatted for a while, then he shared with me something that absolutely made me melt!  He said that he knows his dad and I think that we made a lot of mistakes in raising him & his brother, but that he’s thankful for the way we raised them… that we did a great job! 

So let me offer you words of encouragement today.  You’re not perfect, so let yourself off the hook!  Realize that you’ll screw up.  You’ll have days that you wish you could erase.  You are flesh (as one friend says, “flesh to the armpits!”)  You are human.

Be the best YOU, that you can be.

Accept God’s grace for the rest.



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