Friday, April 22, 2016

Ruts ... Revisited

I first posted "Ruts" in August of 2013.  Sometimes it's good to reflect on where we've been - not to worry or dwell on the past - just to reflect; after all, my own self is my only real competitor.  I only need to be better than I was yesterday!

There we were, the four of us, seated around a small contemporary table, in a bustling room filled with professionals, housewives, college kids, and our sales rep, Yazmin.

She really was quite the sales person.  In our two hours at the store, she pulled out all the stops to sell us the most, the latest, and the greatest equipment.  One such device was an iPad, which I had been “needing” because of its cool music apps & recording capabilities.
After much debate with myself, I heard these words come out of my mouth, “If I go ahead and get it, I won’t have any excuse to not spend time in the music room working on my music.”  Ah, the truth.  Sometimes it just flies right out before we realize, doesn’t it?

And isn’t that just the way it is?  Often we are more afraid of success than of failure.  We may be in a rut, but at least we KNOW the rut, and it’s more comfortable than the unknown.  The rut doesn’t require any hard work, any education, or any risk.  But the rut also holds no glory, no promise.
In whatever rut you find yourself, be encouraged.  Get up and get out!

Fast forward now to April 2016.  Have I really gained any ground musically?  Have I studied the art of worship?  Have I practiced to improve my abilities?  Or do I still struggle to get out of my own ruts?  Sad to say, I know what I need to do, and I have great intentions, but too often follow-through is non-existent.

To be transparent, a big part of MY problem is overloading my plate.  I know what I CAN do, and I love to be a help, a hero, the one with the answer, so I take on more than I should - more than I can put my best efforts into.  And it bites me in the rear!

So here's what I've learned to do.  DON'T JUMP IN to new endeavors ... Think about it, discuss it with a trusted friend, pray about it, then repeat!!

When we identify the problem, we are more than halfway to finding the answer!

What about you?  Are you accomplishing the dream that God's put in your heart?  If not, why not?  Do you overload?  Do you sabotage your own success?  Do you struggle with prioritizing?  Or is it something else?

I'd love to read your comments on this; I'd love to know how you're dealing with your setbacks, how you stay motivated.  What are your tactics for setting goals and priorities, and how do you readjust when things don't go as planned?

Thank you for reading, and for sharing! 



Sunday, April 17, 2016

Hello from West Texas!

Hello from West Texas, land of hot days and cold nights, Mesquite trees, and rattlesnakes!

Life in Abilene is great; it's wonderful to be on this leg of our adventure with Dad!  I think maybe, finally, I’ve learned to NOT say, “I’ve arrived!” (LOL!)  It IS ironic, though, that almost two years ago, we thought we were DONE with non-profit ministries – FINISHED!  Little did we know, that what Dad had in store for us, was more challenging, more stretching, more frustrating, and more fulfilling, than anything we'd done in the past!

Getting Ready for the Monthly Leading in Life Webinar
A typical day “at the office” is … well, is there such a thing?  We do everything from producing webinars, to running errands!  A picture is worth - you know the saying - so feel free to browse our ministry page, The Institute For Biblical Leadership, leave us a comment, and download a FREE teaching (one of my favorites is Making the Bitter Sweet, recorded just a couple of months ago).

Mark, Setting up our Home
When the work day is done, we enjoy going home to our little paradise, a 5th wheel travel trailer and a couple of acres just outside of Clyde.  We are planning to build a “barndominium” here, with plenty room to host family and friends!

Our property just outside of Clyde, Texas
While we still miss our dear ones in East Texas, we have met some amazing new friends here.  It’s absolutely mind-boggling to me, just how God brings people together for His purpose, those with whom you have an instant connection and a mutually encouraging relationship!  Iron sharpens iron (Prov. 27:17).  Dad knew that we needed these precious people in our lives.

He always knows.

He always cares.

He always provides.

Thank you SO MUCH for reading my blog.  Soon I plan to start a focused blog of modern-day parables.  (I LOVE seeing the spiritual in the physical world!)  Also, I’m getting back to work on my first book, “They  Called Me Grace.”

Please pray for us, that God will increase our understanding of Him, as well as our influence in our world.  And pray for me, that I’ll stay FOCUSED and ENERGIZED!!

Thank you so much!

