Sunday, January 12, 2014

Happy New Year!

As the big ball dropped in New York, a lot of people had great resolutions for the coming 2014.  Maybe you were one of them.  And maybe you're finding it hard to keep that resolution.  And just maybe you've already become discouraged because you didn't start whatever it was that you resolved to start - exercising, Bible reading, being nicer to whoever it is that "gets your goat" ...

So I thought maybe you could use some encouragement.

Lamentations 3:23 tells us that God's mercies are NEW EVERY MORNING!  To me, this means that with God, it doesn't matter if it's January 1 or July 1.  So He's in his big God-sized kitchen, making up a new batch of mercy EVERY MORNING!  So whatever's in your tomorrow, He's already seen it, and has already baked up just the right amount of mercy for you.  (Remember the Israelites & the manna in the desert - there was just enough for each person, each day.)  He has enough mercy for whatever you need today, and He will have enough tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and forever.

Isaiah 42:3 and Matthew 12:20 both tell us that Jesus will not extinguish a DIMLY burning wick.  Maybe you feel like your "little light" is VERY little, almost out, that it doesn't amount to anything.  Maybe you believe it's all the way out.  Not so.  I believe that everyone has the spark of God, and if there's only a spark, that's all you need.  Let Him fan it and do the rest.

And finally, Jesus said in John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be afraid."  And in Matthew 6 He tells us how He takes care of birds and flowers.  Will He not MUCH MORE take care of you?  (This point may have very little to do with New Year's Resolutions, but it's a good one anyway!)  Don't worry!  Be Happy :)



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