Saturday, September 14, 2013


A week-and-a-half ago, I fell in the shower, bracing myself with my left hand.  I got up, thought, “Wow, I’m glad I didn’t hurt myself,” and went on about my day and night.  The next day I started feeling the effects of the fall, and began tossing and turning at night in pain instead of sleeping.  By the weekend, I was in severe pain.  Two ER visits, two shots, and three prescriptions later, I began getting some relief.  Thankfully, nothing was broken - just a lot of internal swelling & pressure on nerves.

Fast forward to today.  I’m getting angry because this could’ve happened at a better time.  Our son is getting married in 5 weeks, it’s both year-end close and the start of a new semester at the community college where I work, Mark’s just gone into business for himself, a few other irons are in the fire, and I JUST DON’T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!
Then it hit me.  Why am I angry, instead of being thankful for what I do have?  There are people who have completely lost arms and legs, yet have overcome, with shining enthusiasm and thankfulness.

Today, I repent of my negative attitude.  I am thankful for the trials that only serve to make me stronger, and thankful for the blessings that make life sweeter!

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