Sunday, August 18, 2013

Band Aids

When I had completed a course of study in secular psychology, a friend asked me, “What did you learn?”  Summed up, this was my answer.

1.  Find the root.  Our troubles, most of the time, really are rooted in an event or series of events.  These events become the foundation for a belief system that carries through the individual’s life.  Most of the time a good psychologist can find the root.
2.  Apply a band aid.  Now, after you find the root problem, secular psychology is well-equipped with a variety of band aids.  There’s behavior modification, medications (which, actually, a psychiatrist must prescribe), self-help, and so on.  But these are all coping mechanisms.

Before I go on, let me say that I don’t presume to have all the answers.  But I do know The One who does!  This is where the world of secular psychology misses the mark.
There is an attempt to diagnose and fix problems, without consulting the Maker.

Think about that statement for just a moment.  Pretty ridiculous, huh?
There is a better way.  What I have experienced myself, and the way I have even been able to help others find release, is this:

1.  Find the root.  With the Holy Spirit as our Guide, we can identify the root, or lie, that has become a way of thinking or looking at the world.  It has been built upon by the enemy to create a strong hold in the mind.
2.  Allow the Holy Spirit to speak truth.  No band aids.

3.  Live free!
In the future I will share some of my own freedom experiences on this blog.



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