Monday, May 20, 2013

White Cats

Spartacus, our mostly white cat, has what appears to be the beginnings of skin cancer.  I, “Dr. Smith,” did some online research only to find out that white cats lack pigmentation, which often leads to skin cancer for those who spend a lot of time in the sun.  A trip to the vet will most likely confirm my suspicion.  (Thankfully, animals have a much higher recovery rate from cancer than humans do – probably because they don’t know to worry about it!)

Anyway, the irony of this is that in our limited human thinking, Mark and I have kept Spartacus in the house at night, safe from the Coyotes, but let him out on “nice” days so he can enjoy romping around in the sun.  Who knew?

God knew.  Cats were created nocturnal.  In His grand design, cats don’t need pigmentation because they run around and hunt in the dark, then find a good cool shady place to sleep during the daylight hours.

We would do well if we would accept that God’s design for all things is always best.

"God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good" (Gen. 1:31a NASB).

Peace -


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